Looking for a Car Show in Wisconsin?
(Season 15 EP 29)
This Week’s Topics –
- Elm Grove Car Show is Back! –
- What Color is Vroom? –
- Equipment Industry Sees Growth During Pandemic –
- Decode a Message –
- Stolen Vehicles –

Elm Grove Car Show is Back!
We will be on the phone talking with Larry Delonge about the Elm Grove Car Show. This show has always been a favorite with a lot of car and motorcycle enthusiasts. However, with it’s cancelation during the pandemic and the past organizers not returning – this show was doomed to be canceled forever.
Welcome the Elm Grove Golden K Kiwanis Club. They decided to step up and become the new organizes of the show. Their works provide opportunities to bring awareness to the many needs from children to older adults. From their involvement to provide specialty iPads to children on the autism spectrum, book drives for the Literacy Council, scholarships for disabled campers and assistance to the Salvation Army Christmas drives.
Even though the show has free admission it is the hope that car and bike enthusiasts will join them in collecting donations to support their missions.

Car Show Details:
Sunday, July 25th – 10 am to 2 pm.
Rain or Shine show
On-street show in downtown Elm Grove.

What Color is Vroom?
There is a really cool article (posted on WHRR website) about the many interesting colors available for those cars with lots of power and styling.
Most performance cars are black, white, silver or gray, and the most basic principle of economics is the reason: They’re the colors most buyers want.
Most—but not all.
According to surveys by automotive paint maker PPG Industries and ISeeCars.com, more than three-fourths of all vehicles sold last year—including performance cars, muscle cars and sports, cars—were black, white or gray, with silver being the fourth most popular hue. Most of the rest were red or blue, leaving only a little room for all other colors.

Equipment Industry Sees Growth During Pandemic.
Immediate release from SEMA (Specialty Equipment Market Association)
Findings from the new “SEMA State of the Industry—Spring 2021” report indicate that the majority of businesses in the automotive specialty-equipment industry saw significant sales growth during the pandemic.
Segments of Specialty-Equipment Industry Sees Growth During Pandemic. Manufacturers report double-digit sales increases at independent specialty shops and through online direct-to-consumer — Overall optimism on the rise as businesses continue to reopen.
Decode a Message.

How would you like to decode a special message from Captn’ Bob and Arlo? This really isn’t for winning anything – just to have fun. Tune into the show and listen carefully. It would be helpful to have a piece of paper and a pencil because Captn’ Bob and will read off the numbers. Once you have the numbers you can use the decorder below to figure out the message.
You could win something if you decode the message. The prizes will vary with each message.
Here is the WHRR Decorder if you just want to play along.

Stolen Vehicles.
All-points bulletin on several vehicles stolen.

Checking out our WHRR Car Show Event Calendar.
What can we say! Just go to our extensive car show even calendar and check it out. We try our best to assure the information is accurate. You can view each show which includes the show flyer, important categories, location and contact information.
You can search through the inventory by name, date and location.
You can view a complete list or view it by the week or by the month.

You have something to say? We what to hear it.
Give us a call on the WHRR hot line at: 414-215-9477 (WHRR) or send us an email to: comments@wisconsinhotrodradio.com
Leave your name and contact info because we might read your stuff on the radio.
There are so many ways to tune in Wisconsin Hot Rod Radio.
Tune into the live broadcast this Saturday morning from 9 to 10 am. In Southeast Wisconsin dial FM 100.3 or FM 107.3 or AM 1290.
Not close enough to get the signal? Use your cel phone or computer and use the live streaming feature by clicking here or go to www.FonzFM.com.
Wait… not available to listen this Saturday morning? Come back later in the day and there will be a podcast version of the show embedded in this page.
Like to be able to move around while listening to the show? Go to any podcast service like iTunes, Google Music, Stitch and others to download the shows.
Wisconsin Hot Rod Radio has been on the air since 2007.
Listen Any Time