Looking for a Car Show in Wisconsin?
(Season 15 EP 29)
This Week’s Topics:
- Time Tunnel Weekend.
- Hang Out with Captn’ Bob and Arlo in Lannon, Wisconsin

Time Tunnel Weekend.
There are lot of cool stories about last weekend’s Adventures of Captn’ Bob and Arlo.
First there was the Iola Car Show and Swap Meet where crowds and cars made the weekend super successful. For 3 days, Wisconsin Hot Rod Radio recorded over 12 interviews with automotive celebrities. Throughout the summer you will hear all interviews with Gene Winfield, Von Hot Rod, Bruce Larson, Don “Big Daddy” Garlits, Emily & Aaron Reeves, Ian & Jamie Rousell, Barry Williams, Jo Coddington with Duane Mayer, Greg & Leah Stelse, Johnny D’Agustino and Linda Vaughn.
Second story will be the Baraboo Circus Celebration Car Show. This 1st time show was a huge success. The promoters learned a great deal about the car culture. And Captn’ Bob and Arlo gave out 2 “Young Gun” awards. You will be surprised with what our youngest brought to the show.

Hang Out with Captn’ Bob and Arlo in Lannon, WI.
We will be talking with Jan Schmidt one of the organizers of the “Cars On Main” car show. This is very popular show which could host up to 600 vehicles. This is one of the few shows that was held during the pandemic of 2020 and still had over 300 vehicles.
Meet us at the “Cars on Main” car show in Lannon, Wisconsin. They close off Main Street for one of the year’s biggest show in Wisconsin. This show brings in dragsters, gassers, classics, hot rods, resto-mods and more.
Car Show info
Sunday, July 25th, 2021
7 am to 3 pm.
Lannon, Wisconsin
Click here for all the details….

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Give us a call on the WHRR hot line at: 414-215-9477 (WHRR) or send us an email to: comments@wisconsinhotrodradio.com
Leave your name and contact info because we might read your stuff on the radio.
There are so many ways to tune in Wisconsin Hot Rod Radio.
Tune into the live broadcast this Saturday morning from 9 to 10 am. In Southeast Wisconsin dial FM 100.3 or FM 107.3 or AM 1290.
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Wait… not available to listen this Saturday morning? Come back later in the day and there will be a podcast version of the show embedded in this page.
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Wisconsin Hot Rod Radio has been on the air since 2007.
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