Looking for a Car Show in Wisconsin?
(Season 14: EP 28)
Status Update: July 23, 2020 / Madison International Speedway

Tell Dane County, WI to allow more fans at racing events at Madison International Speedway and Angel Park Speedway. SEMA Sans
Gregg McKarns, Owner at Madison International Speedway (MIS) and President ARCA Midwest Tour
Setting the stage:
These are troubling times for many business owners because of the COVID pandemic. Whether you agree with wearing a mask or not – just remember your individual freedom to wear one is not the same as the legally, legislative and county bound business operators. They must comply to the laws or jeopardize the future of the business by neglecting the authorities. Then imagine each county has the right to work independently from state government. So, the laws enforced in one county could be different from the other.
This is where Gregg and his Madison International Speedway are. They are stuck in the Dane County turmoil of government. Which is trying to protect their public from becoming another COVID statistic .
This is a recent statement from the Dane Public Health Department: “Effective on Monday, July 13, 2020 at 8:00 am, Public Health Madison & Dane County is issuing Emergency Order #8, which requires that everyone age 5 and older wear a face covering or mask when in in any enclosed building where other people, except for members of the person’s own household or living unit, could be present. This requirement applies to all of Dane County” ….. “The order also requires individuals to wear face coverings when in someone else’s home.” … “Exceptions are made for certain activities such as eating at a restaurant, “
Wait!? A restaurant is permitted to open as long as they are 6 feet apart and a capacity of 25 people. And they have currently classified the MIS track within the perimeters of a restaurant.?
But it’s not…
Madison International Speedway is an outdoors venue. Under the county’s criteria it should be listed under Outdoor Places of Amusement and Activity which has different rules. This includes parks, golf courses and some water parks.
In the interview – Gregg will share they have submitted numerous appeals to be reclassified. But, they haven’t heard anything back from them. We are hoping to find out why he thinks the county is ignoring his appeals. And we will talk about how us “car citizens” can help by lending our voice to Gregg and his staff, in the hopes of grabbing the officials attention. For more information on this you can review the SEMA SANS statement…

Madison International Speedway is a stock car racing track that can trace it’s origin to the 1950’s. It’s a half mile paved surface track. It has weekly stock car racing and other sporting events. Gregg McKarns purchased the track in 2015.
Gregg is also involved with bring drag racing to the Milwaukee Mile track. They will be back in action Tuesday, July 21st, 2020. The popular Tuesday Night Street Drags will return to the Milwaukee Mile on July 21, marking the first of three street drag events to be held this summer at the West Allis, WI speedplant which also features the popular Shine ‘N Show Contest. Additional dates are Tuesday August 25 and Tuesday September 15.
For information on the Madison International Speedway…
For more information from SEMA SANS…
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