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Dan Short, DRS Automotive FantomWorks, Velocity Channel’s FantomWorks
Dan Short set out to have the best automotive restoration, modification and maintenance facility anywhere. For over 31 years he has been restoring automobiles on several continenets including American, European and Asian markets. So he knows his way around a garage. With his military and his test pilot experience along with his being certified in Systems Engineering and Program Management you can see why he is a perfectionist. His facility has become the largest restoration shop in the country. His shop is called DRS Automotive FantomWorks.
And you can see why Velocity decided to follow him and his crew for the TV show FantomWorks. This show has been increasing in viewership because car guys get where Dan is coming from when he declares nothing but the best leaves his shop. He doesn’t build cars to flip. He builds car for real car lovers.