Looking for a Car Show in Wisconsin?
(Season 15 EP 45)
This Week’s Topics:
- Bob Ashton – Muscle Car And Corvette Nationals +
- Chaz Hastings checks in from Wisconsin Big Boy Restaurant +

Bob Ashton – Muscle Car And Corvette Nationals
Bob is the Managing Member of MCAN and the guy who will never sleep until he has found every muscle car and corvette out there.
He, along with others on the team, are fellow collectors who own and maintain a wide variety of collector cars. They are experienced in racing and touring their rides. Collectively they have bought, sold and traded everything from AMC’s to Z/28’s.
It’s this expertise that brings them all together for one weekend for everyone to see their passion. Each year is unique from the previous years of displaying classic muscle and corvette cars. They continue to find the rarest of the rare. Some will still have that barn-find dust on them.
The MCAN group’s mission is to provide the ultimate gathering place for enthusiasts, young and old, who have a passion for horsepower.
They believe that these cars became a part of the American fabric by contributing to the way people lived and traveled.
Event info:
Muscle Car And Corvette National (MCACN)
November 20 & 21, 2021
Donald E. Stephens Convention Center
Rosemont, IL.
Click here for more information.

Chaz Hastings checks in from Wisconsin Big Boy Restaurant.
Cool Chaz is calling in the give us the latest on his Wisconsin Big Boy Restaurant. Just because our summer of driving our rides is coming to a chilly end, won’t keep the Big Boy team from hosting cool events. Every Saturday night from 9 pm to midnight is “Big Boy After Dark” event.
It’s just the coooooolest place to hang out at. Enjoy the largest collection of Big Boy statues and memorabilia. Whether it’s breakfast, lunch, supper or a snack – you gotta stop in.
Their contribution, to providing car and motorcycle experiences, goes beyond the walls of the restaurant. Wisconsin Big Boy is a proud sponsor of Wisconsin Hot Rod Radio because of their passion for car and cycle enthusiasts. They believe in keeping everyone connected and WHRR has a long tradition of doing just that.
Click here for Wisconsin Big Boy Restaurant information… wibigboy.com

You have something to say? We what to hear it.
Give us a call on the WHRR hot line at: 414-215-9477 (WHRR) or send us an email to: comments@wisconsinhotrodradio.com
Leave your name and contact info because we might read your stuff on the radio.
There are so many ways to tune in Wisconsin Hot Rod Radio.
Tune into the live broadcast this Saturday morning from 9 to 10 am. In Southeast Wisconsin dial FM 100.3 or FM 107.3 or AM 1290.
Not close enough to get the signal? Use your cel phone or computer and use the live streaming feature by clicking here or go to www.FonzFM.com.
Wait… not available to listen this Saturday morning? Come back later in the day and there will be a podcast version of the show embedded in this page.
Like to be able to move around while listening to the show? Go to any podcast service like iTunes, Google Music, Stitch and others to download the shows.
Wisconsin Hot Rod Radio has been on the air since 2007.
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