Looking for a Car Show in Wisconsin?
(Season 15 EP 25)
This Week’s Topics for Saturday, June 19, 2021:
- Inside the Ford Factory with Mike Martin
- Crusin’ Hines – the little Woodward Dream Cruise.
- Get your secret message from Captn’ Bob and Arlo.
- Busy car show weekend.

Inside the Ford Factory.
Our guest will be Mike Martin, Team Lead, Finish Assembly Line with Ford Motor Company.
We found out that the people who work this assembly line listens to Wisconsin Hot Rod Radio. Mike called us to say how much they enjoy the show and then we started talking about all things Ford and car shows in Michigan. It was such a great conversation that we decided to have him on the radio.
We are going to ask him how things are going and what’s the word about reports of inventory stacking up because of a Micro Chip problem. What’s it like work on the line in an automotive line and who gets to test drive the cars and trucks.

Mike is a young gun car nut and we would like to know what the car show scene is like in the Detroit area. We’ve heard of the famous Woodward Dream Cruise.. Where, for one day only, over 10 thousand cars run up and down a 9 mile stretch of Woodward Boulevard. And we’ve heard of another cool show called the Crusin’ Hines show. They refer to it as the mini–Woodward Dream Cruise.
We appreciate all those on Mike’s Assembly line. Thanks for listening.

Listen from anywhere at anytime.
If you want to listen to our show and are not in the broadcast area – you can use our live streaming service. This allows you to use your computer or cel phone to tap into the signal. Just go the FONZfm every Saturday mornings from 9 to 10 am CDT. Or you can listen anytime, like the fantastic people in the Ford Factory, by using our WHRR Podcast service. The entire show is posted after it airs on Saturday mornings. You can access this through our www.wisconsinhotrodradio.com or use any podcast services like Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher…

Last time to hear the secret message from Captn’ Bob and Arlo before they give away the prizes.
This will be the last show where they will call out special numbers that correspond to letters of the alphabet. That’s because those that decode the message have a chance so win at next weekends Out-A-Sight Drags. Where you can present your decoded message at the Wisconsin Hot Rod Radio booth. This will be first come – first to win setting because there is a limited supply of prizes. So, get to the booth early.
If you don’t play this time, don’t worry there will be more Secret Decorder Ring messages throughout the year.
Here are the event details where you get the chance to win a prize:
Brew City Gassers present the 3rd Out-A-Sight Drags
Location: Great Lakes Dragaway, 18411 1st Street, Union Grove, WI 53182
Days: Friday, June 25th and Saturday, June 26th, 2021
Car show only on Saturday with Captn’ Bob and Arlo.
Times: Gates open at 9 am – racing at noon.
Website: www.brewcitygassers.com
Facebook: Brew City Gassers
Here is the WHRR Decorder if you just want to play along.

Checking out our WHRR Car Show Event Calendar.
What can we say! Just go to our extensive car show even calendar and check it out. We try our best to assure the information is accurate. You can view each show which includes the show flyer, important categories, location and contact information.
You can search through the inventory by name, date and location.
You can view a complete list or view it by the week or by the month.
Special note:
If you don’t see a specific car show please have the promoter contact us ASAP. They can use our easy entry form.
We will not accept information from a social media post unless instructed by the promoter. This is prompted by past experiences with misleading information. This assures quality of the information posted.

You have something to say? We what to hear it.
Give us a call on the WHRR hot line at: 414-215-9477 (WHRR) or send us an email to: comments@wisconsinhotrodradio.com
Leave your name and contact info because we might read your stuff on the radio.
There are so many ways to tune in Wisconsin Hot Rod Radio.
Tune into the live broadcast this Saturday morning from 9 to 10 am. In Southeast Wisconsin dial FM 100.3 or FM 107.3 or AM 1290.
Not close enough to get the signal? Use your cel phone or computer and use the live streaming feature by clicking here or go to www.FonzFM.com.
Wait… not available to listen this Saturday morning? Come back later in the day and there will be a podcast version of the show embedded in this page.
Like to be able to move around while listening to the show? Go to any podcast service like iTunes, Google Music, Stitch and others to download the shows.
Wisconsin Hot Rod Radio has been on the air since 2007.
Listen Any Time