Looking for a Car Show in Wisconsin?
(Season 14 EP 23)
We will have two guest on the show. Brad Jancaric from Brew City Gassers and Joe Oppermen, Director of Iola Car Show and Swap.
Brad Jancaric, Brew City Gassers

The Brew City Gassers group started a year ago to fill a void in drag racing. That void was the lack of racing old drag cars. Those old cars were put away in a forgotten corner of the garage or pushed through the weeds in a farm field. It was to make way for newer more powerful and light weight dragsters. With fancy graphics with matching team jackets.
They decided to host an event that only allow dragsters that represent 1967 and older. To their surprise they heard from many owners of those lost cars who couldn’t wait to blow the dust off and fire them up.
Great Lakes Dragaway was the track they choose to use for the nostalgic event. It made sense. Great Lakes Dragaway is the oldest continuous running drag strip in the country.
Find out more by going to https://brewcitygassers.com/
Joe Opperman, Iola Car Show and Swap Meet

By now many of you have heard that the Iola Car Show was canceled for this summer to comply with COVID-19 warnings. Whether you believe or not that COVID is a real threat – the board of directors couldn’t put the vendors and patrons in an environment that may cause someone to be infected. There are many parts to putting on the show together.
This was not an easy decision. The cancellation was a huge blow to the car scene because Iola is considered a top 10 event in the country.
In addition, the proceeds of the Iola show support over 100 charities and benefits. Without this show they will not be receiving the much-needed funds.
The economic impact of canceling in the area is troubling. It is well documented, in economic studies, that this show contributes a great deal to the county and region.
Rally for Iola.
So, the board has decided to host a different kind of event in the hopes it can continue to assist all those areas. They saw that cruises with social distancing rules were successful and well attended. They have decided to have a cruise of their own. It will be a one-day event that will start on the Iola grounds and then travel through the beautiful countryside and ending up back in the camping area. Where food will made available.
For years Iola has served the automotive enthusiasts. And now they are asking us to help serve them and those they support.
Rally for Iola will be Saturday, July 11th, 2020.
For more information: https://www.iolaoldcarshow.com/
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Wisconsin Hot Rod Radio has been on the air since 2007.
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