Looking for a Car Show in Wisconsin?
(Season 14 EP 16)
Katie Blazei owns and operates the B-Lazy Diner in Wind Lake, Wisconsin.
Several years ago Katie took ownership of this little cafe. Its location is tucked into a small community of fishing boats, bike cycle trails and, (wait for it) classic cars.
In a short amount of time, the B-Lazy Diner is the go-to-cool-spot for enjoying a burger, fries and the best homemade treats. Using the old fashion tradition of making the food when it’s ordered and not some pre-made meal. It’s all fresh.
The treats are equal to the main courses. The custard is fantastic. For those who aren’t familiar with what custard is, it’s looks and feels like ice cream. However, the taste is much richer because egg yolks have been added. It’s creamy, smooth and super filling.
Now let’s get back to those classic cars.
Katie’s parents’ chip in to help with the diner and they are car crazy. Together they wanted to have a place for the car people to gather like the scene from American Graffiti where all these cars surrounded the hamburger joint. So, like any respectable diner they host a weekly cruise night.
Then they decided to have a car show early in the spring to kick off the season. After several long winter months of the cars being in hibernation the drivers are more than willing to hit the roads. (for us – who live in the 4 seasons area, it’s impossible to drive on the cold icy roads) A part of the event is to bless the vehicles for safe travels throughout the summer months. They invite the local Pastor to bless all the cars for safe travels. It’s a humbling and honored feeling seeing the Pastor go from one car to another. Saying individual prayers for each owner and the vehicle.
That show is suppose to happen in early May. Katie will be announcing whether her show can continue with state mandating no more gatherings.
B-Lazy Diner
7910 South Loomis Road, Wind Lake, WI
Google MAP
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Wisconsin Hot Rod Radio has been on the air since 2007.
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