Looking for a Car Show in Wisconsin?
Guests: Joe and Amanda Martin from Velocity’s Iron Resurrection and Mary Hoehne from the Granville Business Area.
Southeast Wisconsin is very excited that the Granville BID people are bringing Joe and Amanda Martin to their 2018 car show spectacular! They are the stars of Velocity’s hit series Iron Resurrection – which will be starting their 3rd season on September 8th.
The Granville BID show will be Sunday, September 16th, 2018. Located at 7676 North 76th Street, Milwaukee, WI
The Granville show is known for bringing the stars to Wisconsin. Last year they hosted Dave Kindig from Bitchin’ Rides. And the year before they brought in the lengendary custom builder – Darrell Starbird. He brought the 60’s iconic car – The Little Coffin.