Looking for a Car Show in Wisconsin?
(Season 15 EP 42)
This Week’s Topics:
- Barry Williams, TV’s Brady Bunch +
- The Grounding the “EV” Buzz +
- Need winter storage?

Barry Williams, TV’s Brady Bunch
This interview was recorded as part of the Iola Uncut Interview Series. *
We know that Barry is much more than being known as Greg Brady from that 70’s TV show Brady Brunch. But we can’t resist talking to him about his portrayal as the oldest son out of six kids. We discussed what his school life was like while production went on. His interest in cars. His name being used for a Peter Gabriel song with a killer music video directed by Sean Penn.
He was full of energy and was like that cool kid we always wanted living next door to us when growing up.
*The Iola interview series will include, Gene Winfield, Von Hot Rod, Bruce Larson with USA 1 dragster, Don Gartlis who is a legendary drag racer, Emily & Aaron from Flying Sparks Garage, Ian Roussel from Full Custom Garage, Barry Williams from the Brady Bunch TV Show, Jo Coddington and Duane Wade from American Hot Rod, Greg and Leah of the famous Greg’s Speed Shop, Johnny D’Augtino who is the authority in the custom car culture, Linda Vaughn is the historical figure in the automotive world. (Jo Coddington will be sitting in with many of these interviews) Keep checking with www.wisconsinhotrodradio.com for the play dates.

SEMA ACTION NETWORK (SAN) with Wisconsin Specialty Vehicle Alliance.
If you are a car guy. It won’t matter if you like vintage, classic, muscle or brand new – you need to do two things.
Join SAN. Join Wisconsin Specialty Vehicle Alliance (WSVA).
Recently, WSVA brought attention to its members this article from SAN. It’s about cutting through all the buzz regarding the current government wants to phase out gasoline vehicles. The article is titled “Grounding The “EV” Buzz – Political Agendas Surrounding Automobiles Charge Up Strong Emotions”.
Here is an excerpt from this article:
“The latest update in the automotive world came from the nation’s top office: the Biden Administration. President Joe Biden signed the “Executive Order on Strengthening American Leadership in Clean Cars and Trucks” in August. In short, the measure calls for 50% of all sales of new cars and light trucks in the US be ZEV by the year 2030. “It is the policy of my Administration to advance these objectives in order to improve our economy and public health, boost energy security, secure consumer savings, advance environmental justice, and address the climate crisis,” said President Biden.” Click here for full article.
Click for SAN membership and articles.
Click for WSVA membership and information.

Need winter storage?
Once again – Wisconsin Hot Rod Radio will be working with the Hribar Storage, LLC. If you are looking for either for cold or warm storage, give them a call at 262-672-1967.
They are located Southwest of Milwaukee in Franksville, Wisconsin.
They can take cars, motorcycles, RV’s, campers, boats and more.
Wisconsin Hot Rod Radio is not responsible for any items stored at this facility.

You have something to say? We what to hear it.
Give us a call on the WHRR hot line at: 414-215-9477 (WHRR) or send us an email to: comments@wisconsinhotrodradio.com
Leave your name and contact info because we might read your stuff on the radio.
There are so many ways to tune in Wisconsin Hot Rod Radio.
Tune into the live broadcast this Saturday morning from 9 to 10 am. In Southeast Wisconsin dial FM 100.3 or FM 107.3 or AM 1290.
Not close enough to get the signal? Use your cel phone or computer and use the live streaming feature by clicking here or go to www.FonzFM.com.
Wait… not available to listen this Saturday morning? Come back later in the day and there will be a podcast version of the show embedded in this page.
Like to be able to move around while listening to the show? Go to any podcast service like iTunes, Google Music, Stitch and others to download the shows.
Wisconsin Hot Rod Radio has been on the air since 2007.
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