Looking for a Car Show in Wisconsin?

(Season 15 EP 37)
This Week’s Topics:
- Danny Koker, Count’s Kustoms
- How Many Big Boy Restaurant Cruise Nights are Left? +
- More car show stuff – –

Danny Koker
Who doesn’t know who he is or doesn’t recognize him? He is nicer in person than the nice TV personality we see every week on Counting Cars, Ultimate Rides and now the new Counting Cars – Under the Hood.
He reached out to talk about the new season of Counting Cars. Where his cast of characters are seen creating some of the worlds coolest rides. For 10 seasons on the History Channel (check your local listings) Danny and his cast of characters are seen creating some of the worlds coolest rides. New episodes will start Wednesday, September 15, 2021.
Check out the History Channel website for more information about his show.
Check out the official Count’s Kustoms website to learn more about Danny and crew.

How Many Big Boy Restaurant Cruise Nights are Left?
With the Midwest summer season coming to a close we want Chaz to talk about how the Big Boy Restaurant Cruise Nights were doing and how much longer will the be going on.
Stop in the restaurant to see all the Big Boy memorable items throughout the dining room. Mark your calendar for every Wednesday for their car show – weather permitting. Even if the weather doesn’t cooperate it’s still a great hangout for you and your club.
Wisconsin Big Boy is located at N116W15841 Main Street, Germantown, WI. The phone number is 262-293-3098. Check their website at www.wibigboy.com or “like” their Facebook page. @bestburgerwi

Checking out our WHRR Car Show Event Calendar.
What can we say! Just go to our extensive car show even calendar and check it out. We try our best to assure the information is accurate. You can view each show which includes the show flyer, important categories, location and contact information.
You can search through the inventory by name, date and location.
You can view a complete list or view it by the week or by the month.

You have something to say? We what to hear it.
Give us a call on the WHRR hot line at: 414-215-9477 (WHRR) or send us an email to: comments@wisconsinhotrodradio.com
Leave your name and contact info because we might read your stuff on the radio.
There are so many ways to tune in Wisconsin Hot Rod Radio.
Tune into the live broadcast this Saturday morning from 9 to 10 am. In Southeast Wisconsin dial FM 100.3 or FM 107.3 or AM 1290.
Not close enough to get the signal? Use your cel phone or computer and use the live streaming feature by clicking here or go to www.FonzFM.com.
Wait… not available to listen this Saturday morning? Come back later in the day and there will be a podcast version of the show embedded in this page.
Like to be able to move around while listening to the show? Go to any podcast service like iTunes, Google Music, Stitch and others to download the shows.
Wisconsin Hot Rod Radio has been on the air since 2007.
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