Looking for a Car Show in Wisconsin?
(Season 13 EP 29)
We are happy to announce that celebrity and industry spokesperson – Jo Coddington will be in our studio. Jo is best know for her role along side Boyd Coddington in building Hot Rods by Boyd brand. And her husband was the main star of TV’s popular American Hot Rod. Jo continues to be active in the auto industry with clients like International Aero Products, Factory 5, Iola Car Show and SEMA.
Milwaukee will be hosting an amazing air and water show. It’s the Milwaukee Air and Water Show. We will attempt to catch up with Paul Rogers who is the Founder and President. The Milwaukee Air & Water Show will bring to Milwaukee and the surrounding areas the thrill of aerial and water-based acrobatics in a wholesome, family-friendly environment. We will instill fascination and love in our audience for the armed forces, aviation, and maritime fun while stimulating the local economy and highlighting the natural beauty of our scenic lakefront.
The two day event will provide military and civilian air performers along with water performers.
The event is July 27-28, 2019 – located on Milwaukee’s beautiful lakefront beaches and parks.