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174: Aldermen Tony Zielinski talking about the problem of “running” red lights

Show Date: 12/02/2017


Aldermen Anthony (Tony) Zielinski

Red Light Camera Systems

It’s becoming all to common; you are sitting at an intersection waiting for the signal to turn green prompting you to move forward and all of a sudden – from your left or right – a vehicle rushes pass you barely missing your car.

Drivers approaching an intersection are anticipating the traffic light to turn yellow and then red.  And in many cases drivers make a quick decision to push the accelerator down pushing the vehicle faster. They are gambling that they can beat the odds and make it through before the light turn reds.

Unfortunately, they aren’t just gambling with beating the light – they are gambling with the lives of others who entered the intersection because their green light gave them permission to enter.

Alderman Zielinski is part of a larger group that believes drivers need a better incentive in becoming responsible operators.  He supports legislation that would place city wide red-light camera systems.  If drivers knew cameras would catch them “running” the red light – they would become better decision makers while approaching the intersection.

Aldermen Anthony “Tony” Zeilinski website
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